Diseño de servicios con enfoque UX: ¿qué tomar en cuenta?

La experiencia de usuario (UX) es un área dedicada a mejorar la experiencia de las personas al momento de interactuar con un producto, servicio o entorno digital. Como su nombre sugiere, su propósito es diseñar interacciones fluidas, agradables y cómodas para las personas para que se sientan lo más satisfechas posible con un producto. Este … Read more

Service Design with a UX Focus: What to Consider

User Experience (UX) is a field dedicated to enhancing the experience of people when interacting with a product, service, or digital environment. As the name suggests, its purpose is to design smooth, pleasant, and comfortable interactions, ensuring users feel as satisfied as possible with a product. This is a key approach if you want to … Read more

9 Key Soft Skills in Software Development

Bpjs88 Bpjs88 Bpjs88 Bpjs88 Bpjs88 Bpjs88 Bpjs88 Bpjs88 Bpjs88 Bpjs88 Bpjs88 Bpjs88 Bpjs88 The world of software development isn’t just about writing code. It’s true that knowing programming languages and mastering technical skills is necessary to succeed in the career, but beyond that, it’s crucial for a developer to possess a set of abilities that … Read more

Programación no-code: diseña apps y sitios web sin código

Las soluciones digitales están a la orden del día. Sean apps, sitios web y demás, ellas se han vuelto útiles y necesarias para que las PYMES, emprendedores y empresas consolidadas aporten valor a sus usuarios y los puedan convertir. No obstante, crear estos espacios a través del código puede ser complejo. Es aquí donde entra … Read more

9 habilidades blandas clave en el desarrollo de software

El mundo del desarrollo de software no trata solamente de escribir código. Es cierto, conocer los lenguajes de programación y manejar habilidades técnicas es necesario para triunfar en la carrera, pero, además de eso, es clave que el desarrollador posea una serie de aptitudes que le permitan relacionarse con sus compañeros, buscar y usar información, … Read more

How Generative AI is Revolutionizing the Future of Software Development

Generative artificial intelligence has perhaps been the most significant technological innovation of recent years. It has impacted every professional field: marketing, content creation, writing, SEO, audiovisual editing, and more. Of course, the tech sector hasn’t been exempt from this, especially software development. The world of development is constantly evolving, and generative AI is emerging as … Read more

The Value of Cybersecurity in Companies

We live in a world where information is power, and business operations largely take place in the digital realm. In this context, cybersecurity has become an imperative need for projects and companies of all sizes. It’s not just about protecting computers and networks but safeguarding assets that, while intangible, are of vital importance. We’re talking … Read more

No-code programming: design apps and websites without code

Digital solutions are the order of the day. Whether apps, websites, and so on, they have become useful and necessary for SMEs, entrepreneurs, and established companies to bring value to their users and convert them. However, creating these spaces through code can be complex. This is where no-code programming comes in, a modern and accessible … Read more

Tailor-made and state-of-the-art digital products: the CencoSud case study

The Evolution and Expansion of CodersLab in Strategic Technology Consulting

At CodersLab, our primary focus is on understanding and addressing the immediate software and digital platform needs of our clients. We are committed to devising, building, and iterating products and services that align perfectly with our clients’ expectations, ensuring intuitive and satisfying user experiences for both businesses and consumers .For instance, in the retail sector, … Read more